19 jun 2009 kl. 12.22 skrev Anzela:
> Hello my friend Simon!
Hello again, Anzela! Nice to know that you see me as a friend, I’m not sure I know you well enough yet, but only time will tell where this is going, don’t you think?
Anyways, sorry for my late reply. I’ve been quite busy at work, and we also had a little holiday here in Sweden called midsummer. I also went to England for a quick trip. That is a pretty underdeveloped country, the cabs wont accept credit cards and stuff like that. But I’m sure you’re all aware of that, knowing all about low standards as you are from Armenia, right?
> Good surprise to receive your message 🙂 I am pleased, thank you for
> contacting me.
Ok, seriously, this feels like you just wrote some random words in a foreign language and translated it all with Google Translate? As you seem to be able to do that, and english only is my second language, I’ll continue in swedish if that’s allright with you. Ok? Thanks.
> Web site has found to me the matches. I preliminary
> learned them and for the first I has decided to send message to you.
> I like your profile it more interesting than others. I hope you have
> time to send me some messages and we could to learn each other.
Skönt för dig att du verkar använda internets för olika saker, även om jag tycker det verkar konstigt att använda det som tändstickor. Hur som helst, fascinerande att du av detta drar slutsatsen att du ska maila mig. Kul att du gillar min profil. Jag är VÄLDIGT spänd på vad vi ska lära varandra via meddelanden? Engelsk grammatik kanske?
> I send
> you my picture and I hope you like. I should like to get photos from
> you. In the letter which you have received on site on the Internet,
> I could not tell about myself it detailed, but I think, that now it can
> be corrected. I could not tell about myself in detail because I had
> not many time, to write to you from the Internet of cafe. I use the
> Internet of cafe, because I do not have a computer in my house.
> Well, in this letter, I want to tell about myself more in detail,
> I think, that to you it will be interesting to learn this information.
Det verkar spännande!!! Men du är medveten om att du inte har kontaktat mig via nångonslags internetsida? Det dök helt plötsligt upp ett mail från dig, oklart varför, i min email-inkorg. Lite konstigt att du inte har koll på det, i och med att du verkar vara plågsamt noggrann när det gäller att dokumentera dina internetvanor.
> My name Anzela, I was born on November , 18 in 1980. I was born and
> have grown, and live in city Sevan, Armenia. My city to be on lake
> which is called Sevan. Armenia is very small, but very beautiful
> country. Armenia is rich beautiful mountains and a plenty of fine
> lakes. Very kind and good people lives in our country, attitudes
> between people very noble as in Armenia since the childhood parents
> give a lot of time to education of children. The most important
> quality in character of the Armenian person is honesty in attitudes to
> other people. Lie and treachery it was never welcomed in the Armenian
> families, for it parents very severely punished children. Therefore I
> have received very good education from the parents and the most
> important, that I could acquire the childhood it never to deceive
> people, and to be always fair then all in a life will turn out.
Uppfattat, du bor i en stad på en sjö. Rätt stekigt.
> I want to tell to you about my most favorite people. Certainly, it is
> my family. I wants to say that I live with my family. I live with my
> mum and daddy. We live in a apartment, there are three rooms a kitchen
> a bathroom and a balcony. I have my room. I have loved mum and loved
> daddy. I one child in family. I have not neither brothers, nor
> sisters. I always grew one, and have been surrounded parental love and
Vänta nu här, har du försökt odla ett syskon?
Och du är snart 29 och bor hemma hos föräldrarna? Mindre stekigt.
> care. My parents very good,careful and kind people, they always
> understood me, and never brought me. They very much love me, and
> I even more……. But I always wanted to have the younger brother or
> the sister that them to look after. I have very good family. In my
> family very much close relations. My parents are someone more, than it
> is simple people which have given birth and have brought up me.
> My parents always were, and remain, for me the present friends.
> Especially, mum. My mum’s name is Rahima, she is very sensual and
> kind woman. She is 53 years old, earlier she worked as the bookkeeper
> but now she does not work. My mum, the best girlfriend for me. When it
Uuuuh, incestigt. Do not want.
> is difficult for me, when I have problems, when me it is sad, I can
> always find support on the part of mum. She will tell to me advice
> when I need in it. She will calm me, and will warm the heat when me it
> is sad and lonely. My relations with father same warm and close, as
> with mum. My daddy’s name is Armen. He is strict, but fair man. He
> is 55 years old. He works as the worker on railroad. My father is the
> unique person, is an example of the present man. From small age,
> I wanted, that my future husband was similar On my father. I love my
> family very much we frequently spend time together. I have a cat, the
> name of Sisi. I give him care and love. I think he too a member of
> family. In general, I very much love animals. You love animals, you
> have a pet? I wants more to learn of you, on your family. Tell me more
> about your family. Do you have many relatives? How often do you visit
> each other how often do you gather?
Eh, jotack bra tack. Vi ses då och då.
> I never was married and I have not children. Though I have the whole
> group of children, but it not in my children 🙂
Du har inga barn i dina barn (no Fritzl)?
> I work as the teacher in
> a kindergarten. I very much love children, and therefore I have
> chosen this work. My work brings to me every day, great pleasure,
> actually this my favorite business. Tell to me about the work. Do you
> like your work?
Jag jobbar med reklam, rätt stekigt.
> I want to tell about relations which I search on the Internet. I wants
> have serious relations, find love and create a lucky family. I want to
> find the present love. Probably, it sounds is paradoxical, in my
> country recently have started to use the Internet of service,
> therefore I very badly use the Internet and a computer, I hope, that
> in the near future I shall master the Internet and I will not have any
> problems to communicate with you. I could not find the man in my
> country and consequently have addressed in the Internet, it is my
> first experience in acquaintance to men from other country, I am very
> glad, that you have paid to me the attention and I hope, that in the
> attitude with you success has smiled to me.
Du vill fortfarande ha hjälp med att mästra internet, trots att du uppenbarligen kan göra det både från kaféer och hemsidor jag inte varit på? Jag ska se vad jag kan göra för dig.
När det gäller förhållanden, så absolut, det är en svår nöt att knäcka det där! Jag tror nog att det är först när man slutar leta som man hittar någon. Lycka till!
> At a leisure I like to read books. Basically it – novels of love,
> detectives and magazines. I often with girlfriends go to cinema or in
> cafe. We talk, cheerfully we shall spend time. Recently has tried to
> play billiards while at me badly it turns out. I liked game and
> I shall continue to study. I like cooking, and I have my own dishes.
Soft, du har egen disk. Vad bra.
> I like to make experiments in food. I like, there are various salads.
> I cooking for various salads, and sometimes directly I think over new
> salad. I have huge sympathy to music. I like to listen to various
> music all depend on my mood, to like me popular music, dance music,
> but most I like classical music. Sometimes I play on the piano. I also
> very much like sports. I like to observe Olympic games. I like track
> and field athletics, figure skating, and much other sports. I prefer
> healthy style of a life. I am engaged in sports, volleyball. I very
> much like to play beach volleyball, but unfortunately weather yet does
> not allow to play. Also 2-3 times in week I visit the gym (and
> sometimes it is less 🙂 I hold my body in the healthy form. I do not
> smoke, and almost I do not drink alcoholic drinks. I do not want to
> speak, that I at all do not drink alcoholic drinks, simply I drink it
> rather seldom and in small quantities. I any more do not know what to
> tell about myself,I have told all that have recollected earlier. If
> still that that interests you, ask me,I with pleasure shall answer all
> your questions.
Eh… Va?
> Now, if you not against I would like to ask some questions. Your full
> name? Whether you have been married earlier, whether you have
> children? What relationship you search in the Internet? How to
> transfer your day? Than you to be do at leisure? You Prefer what
> sports competitions? I hope we shall have time for writing other
> interesting letters to each other. We shall look what will be…
> I shall wait from you for a prompt reply.
> Anzela!
Jag är inte emot, jag är för, i allmänhet. Simon heter jag, och jag har aldrig varit gift. Och verkligen inga barn, jag är stadsbo. Min relation med internet är rätt bra som den är tycker jag. Internet ger mig musik, filmer, emails ibland. Rätt ofta jobbar jag med internet. Gör lite hemsida, twittrar lite, skriver lite blogg kanske. Vi har det bra, helt enkelt, internet och jag.
Jag förstår inte resten av frågorna, men jag tycker sport är rätt ointressant faktiskt.
> <107.jpg>
Alltså, det där är samma bild som du skickade förut, den som jag bad om att få en mer nytagen variant av. Jag skickar med en ny bild på mig själv för att vara god förebild!
Med vänliga hälsningar,
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